HEROGRA Andalusian market leading liquid fertilizer and compounds through the purchase of all the shares of the Pastor Abonos
In an unprecedented move, both for its significant economic importance as well as its undisputed position and the human side, the fertilizer company Herogra grenadine is made with one hundred percent of the shares of the Pastor Abonos. An operation that makes Andalusian market leader and compound liquid fertilizer.
Herogra Group endorse, in this way, its commitment to the growth and consolidation in the fertilizer market, corresponding to the new commercial synergies and expansion, typical of large enterprises.
Fertilizers Pastor is an established and experienced, with a long history, which is characterized by the variety and quality of its products. “We are pleased and excited about this transaction. And I am convinced that with the support of all fuerzay go a very successful way”, has said Juan Romero, president of Herogra.
An agreement that is implemented with the maintenance of full squad of fertilizers Pastor, incorporating Francisco Pastor Fructos as CEO. It also guarantees the operation of the firm Seville, and provided with resources and the use of the Data Center Computing Services Herogra for greater cohesion and simplicity in administrative procedures and operators.
Thus, Herogra, besides being the market leading manufacturer of Liquid fertilizers, will be in the field of Special and positions, adding now the experience and work of Pastor fertilizers, as leading compounds, while relevantly stresses in the area of the lens. “This integration allows us to give good service in Western Andalusia bagging, with facilities of 15,000 square meters”, wanted to emphasize Romero.
The company’s business volume Granada, located in Albolote, is a mainstay of the regional economy. In 2012 its turnover reached more than 70 million euros. An example of good governance, and development, to a family group, which in 2016 almost a hundred years.
‘We are very proud to have carried out this operation, and also the daily work we do, because it is what keeps us at the level we have achieved, and motivates us to keep innovating in the fertilizer market. For us the key is to do things well, and contribute to our work in the care of our plants, because as you say: Plants do not eat, drink’, says Herogra president, Juan Romero.