Herogra loads by appointment

With our computerized system ORDERS OF CHARGE, the client knows the date and time that the truck will be loaded and shipped from our facility.
By web is known at any time the status of the loading order. This allows us to ship many trucks agile, no queues, no fuss, an hour before the arrival of the truck, and came out loaded and a wide range of products.En el momento de confeccionarse el albarán de salida, se le remite de forma automática, a su correo electrónico y aparte si así lo desea, se le envía un sms al móvil. Cuando llega el camión tiene ya preparado el producto a transportar.
This system is unique in Spain, we know in the industry, and its development has taken several years. Once implanted in Herogra and running to satisfaction will shortly be installed in each of the companies of the Corporation.
In Herogra continually study the ways and means to improve our service, perhaps because of that, we are in a large part, chosen as suppliers. Thank you very much for choosing us.


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