New Train Liquids Packaging Specials Herogra Ltd.

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Apart from the two packaging lines Specials Herogra Ltd. about liquids and gels are concerned, is all set to during the month of October, install a THIRD LINE, which will quadruple the capacity issue.
The new train packaging, marks a before and an after -says Group President Mr. Juan Romero,- in Specials Herogra development, where we are already selling in 41 countries.
A powerful and fast packing multiple labeling and capping with equally automatic and a robot, allows forming boxes, filling and sealing the same and of course put on the pallet, in a fully robotized and achieving high yields in hours.
Specials Herogra Ltd. Mr. Juan Romero -review- is having a phenomenal growth due to the quality of their products, which are expressly petitioned by many farmers globally. While the path ahead is long, and we have come a long stretch, and is one of the jewels of the Group.

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