Success participation in stand of Herogra Especiales and Hispalense de Líquidos in the 12th Symposium of Plant in Seville
Our companies have been involved as tradition, this past January in the “12th National Symposium of Plant” with a palpable success as has already surpassed our expectations in terms of attendance and active participation of all professionals that have been present.
The conference took place last 23,24 and January 25 in Seville and have shown the way to the Integrated Pest Management, whose ultimate goal is based on the integration of a set of cultural, biological control and chemical control designed to maintain the presence of pests and diseases in crops at levels that do not affect their economic profitability.
It is certainly the largest forum for analysis and discussion of many of the measures already begin their new journey and they need our commitment and efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, combining production and profitability from the quality and food safety, reducing risk the use of pesticides to human health and the environment, and promoting integrated pest management and alternative techniques.[/two_third][one_third_last]
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