The Big-Bag is the future in the management of Solid Fertilizers

BigBag 04The Big-Bags are definitely the most practical and economical packaging for solids handling. In Herogra we clearly see how the consumption of products in Big Bags increases year after year due to the ease of use and its advantages over other types of packaging. Customers who know the Big Bag and begin to use it do not want to back down.
In Herogra Fertilizantes S.A. factory in Albolote, we have the Big Bag packaging with largest capacity, 1000 MT per day, which allows us to serve all orders with great speed of response, even in the field, when the outputs are high.
We have several models of Big Bag, adapted to the use given to the product:
[marker ]Agricultural use:[/marker] all products are packed in Big Bags 500 Kg, with monoasa and inner polyethylene bag. The monoasa allows manipulation of the bag with a feather tractor and through the inner polyethylene bag can leave the big bags in the open without the product get wet. When filled with product, the extent of the bag is approximately 85 X 85 cm base, height between 80 cm and 120 cm, depending on the density of the product bearing inside.
[marker ]Industrial use:[/marker] Big Bags have 4 handles with polyethylene bottom valve, in 1000 Kg, and in 500 Kg In industry there is usually no feathers, but trucks that require this type of handle for picking up the bags. The measures of these Big Bags are 94 X 94 X 155 cm 1000 kg and the 90 X 90 X 90 cm 500 kg the services to the industry can be on pallet, attacked by both sides with the truck.
Herogra Group Corporation, seeing this development as rapid sales in Big Bag, will be installed in Dos Hermanas, in their new facilities Pastor Abonos, train a very modern packaging that allows us to be more competitive if possible, in sales Big Bag in Western Andalusia.
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