Use of fertilizers deblocking in drip irrigation.
During the campaign has carried out a comparative study between the use in drip irrigation, fertilizer NPK and NPK clear conventional acid-deblocking. The difference between the two products is that the range of deblocking Fertigota allow lowering the pH of the irrigated area more than the conventional clear NPK-acids, which makes the nutrients that are locked in the soil from becoming assimilated nutrients.
We proceeded to study at an olive grove in drip irrigation and Picual 16 years in a calcareous soil due to high pH values bulb watered with this type of flooring.
The results were excellent and can be summarized as:
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- There is an effect of lowering the pH of the solution from the dropper with the use of fertilizers deblocking versus conventional acid fertilizer use..
- This decrease in pH of the solution in fertigation (drip solution) results in a decrease in pH of the soil nutrient solution (of the solution containing the nutrients available to the plant) and increased availability of nutrients.
- Most of nutrients (macro and micro) analyzed in soil solutions in experimental plot show higher concentrations than those detected in the soil solutions of the control plot.
- Finally, this “deblocking effect” that occurs in the soil solutions experimental plot resulting in an improvement in sheet analyzed nutrients in the experimental plot, which present suitable values than those analyzed in the control plot.
Through this study we tested the effect of said range of drip irrigation fertilizer compared to classical, concluding that exerts a significant decrease in pH of the soil solution and this results in release of nutrients in the soil and increase in nutrient availability. This effect is verified later in considerable improvement of foliar levels following the release of nutrients into the soil.
In the cultivation of olive trees, where it is necessary to reduce costs, we found that the use of deblocking releases nutrients locked in the soil, so that we can get excellent results by reducing the amount of fertilizer. The use of these fertilizers is certainly required in chalky soils irrigated with basic due to economic savings behavior.